How do I use this one file that downloaded?

Whenever you download a purchase from our site, our web store will save a single file to your computer’s Downloads folder. That single file is a “compressed” file called a ZIP folder. Since our products almost always contain a lot of embroidery files, a ZIP folder is an easy way to keep all the files together, and make the download go faster.

When you download a ZIP folder from our web store, the file name always starts with the product name, then it has some extra characters from the computers, and then the extension “.zip”

You want to open that ZIP folder, so you can use the files you need. How you do that varies slightly, depending on whether you have a Mac or a PC.

On a Mac — your computer automatically extracts the compressed files for you. Just open the “regular” folder, and you’re ready to move files!

On a PC — Find the ZIP folder in your computer’s Downloads folder.

It’s a good idea to “un-compress” the ZIP folder. Please take the following steps:

1 – Right-click on the ZIP folder, and select Extract all… from the pop-up menu that displays.

2 – Click the Extract button on the dialog box that displays (the computer is asking where you want to store the files). By default, the extracted files are stored in the same folder that contains the ZIP folder.

The computer extracts the files, and creates a folder to hold the files. Many computers will open the new folder in a new Windows File Explorer window.

And, the new folder will be right with the ZIP folder.

You can now select the files you want from the ZIP folder (unless you have a collection of embroidery machines, you won’t need ALL the file formats that we provide), and store them in a folder on your computer. Creating an “Embroidery files” folder in the Documents folder of your computer is a good idea, but it’s up to you!


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